Get moving with Bloomy!

Here you'll find yoga classes, introductory yoga dance classes and relaxation classes for all ages!

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  • My gratitude journal

    Download your gratitude journal to take stock of your day and appreciate the little things that bring you happiness every day.

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  • My Inspirational Quotes

    24 inspirational quotes to take everywhere and read again to motivate yourself every day!

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  • Mantras for positive thinking and self-motivation

    My little mantras

    Mantras are little positive phrases that will help you feel better or motivate you. Repeat them and let their magic work!

    I want them 
  • Colorful mandalas for relaxation

    My Mandalas

    Small mandalas to color
    to relax, Feel Good garrantie effect!

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  • My little Yoga poster to hang in her room

    My Yoga Poster

    A small poster to put up in
    your room to decorate it and move around gently!

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  • e-Book Yoga & Wellness

    A little guide to get moving, learn more about yoga, strengthen your muscles and relax!

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